Disability Resource Center (drc) accommodations
US Santa Cruz is committed to creating an academic environment that supports its diverse student body. We encourage all students who may benefit from learning more about Disability Resource Center (DRC) resources to visit their website or contact them by phone at 831-459-2089 or by email at drc@ucsc.edu.
Below are answers to FAQs that are helpful for any students taking online courses. If you have additional questions or concerns please contact the DRC by phone at 831-459-2089 or by email at drc@ucsc.edu.
I have not heard from my instructor about plans for my exams.
We recommend that you read all emails from your instructor regarding the exam plan. If there is no clear information about your exam, then email your instructor for information on how the exam will be managed. If your instructor does not provide this information, connect with your DRC Service Coordinator for support.
How will I receive my exam accommodations for additional time for an exam if the exam is online?
If your accommodations include extended test time, Canvas and other exam platforms allow the instructor to adjust the time allowed for students with accommodations. The instructor can confirm the time has been adjusted to allow for your extended time.
I’ve been authorized for a scribe/reader for my exams. How will these accommodations be provided for an exam that is online?
If you have been authorized for a reader/scribe for your exams, contact your DRC Service Coordinator to discuss how your accommodation will be managed in an online exam environment. If you do not know who your DRC Service Coordinator is, please email drc@ucsc.edu.
What happens with accommodations that include a distraction reduced testing room or a room alone for exams?
Students are responsible for finding a location to take their exams if their exams are online. Some distractions cannot be controlled, but do your best to secure a quiet test-taking location with minimized distractions.Turn off all notifications from IM, your phone, your email, and elsewhere (or, set them to silent). Shut off the TV and radio. Let your roommates or family know that you’ll be taking a test, so that they’re less likely to interrupt you during that time.
What happens with accommodations that include a scribe/reader for exams?
If you are authorized for a scribe/reader for your exams, please contact drcexams@ucsc.edu if you have questions about how these accommodations will be provided.